South Park Fanon Wiki

South Park character
Charlotte A NEW MEMBER
Charlotte Kendrik (Charlotte Welles)
Gender Female
Hair Blondie
Age 9-11
Job Coon and Friends Member
First Dead After Dark
Last The Curse of the Carrabian (dies)

Charlotte Kendrik (also Charlotte Welles) was Emily's long lost sister, she was in CAF season 12.

Coon and Friends


Charlotte on her first day of CAF

She was in a old warehouse in Flordia and was kidnapped by James Cartman, she was born on Pershia 8 by her parents durning a war like The Black One, she was taken in and inserted in an Apollo spacesuit and CAF saved her when Darkfly knocked James and his guards out, she later also got a bedroom in the CAF HQ, the room was nice, it inculded a Bed, a desk to work on and a door leading to the HQ ("Dead After Dark")

First Adventure

Her first adventure was mostly at the CAF base while the rest would go on adventures with out her. ("A New Member")

Investagating A Warehouse

Charlotte wanted to investagate an old warehouse were teenagers hanged out, this inculded Valon and his friend Raxel, durning the night, a white dragon would come and kill people who would be in the old warehouse, She wanted to see what it was like and Coon and Friends had to save her from the white dragon ("Darkfly Steps Two")

Back With James


Charlotte stuck on the moon

Charlotte was kidnapped by James, she was merged into a spacesuit in a rocket crashing on the moon, James put her into a rocket so CAF couldn't find her, her name fully was Charlotte Kendrik, stated by James Cartman ("The Curse of the Carribian")


She died on the moon sent by James's guard in an apollo spacesuit with no oxegon ("The Curse of the Carrabian")

